If profitability and responsible business practices are part of your company’s vision, mental health should also be a priority. It’s important to communicate your commitment to mental health to all employees, and work to make your workplace one that prioritizes its employees’ mental wellbeing. Make it a part of training, display posters about mental health and include policy information in your network.
Here are just a few ways that you can improve your workplace’s environment.
Wellness Programs
Introduce wellness programs and become actively involved in them. These programs can include information and training in areas of stress management, bullying and harassment and mental health awareness. They can also include mentoring initiatives or establish actions such as lunchtime walking groups.
Since every workplace is unique, identifying the needs and preferences of employees can help ensure you are implementing the right mental health plan for your business. Get feedback through confidential surveys, one-on-one meetings, a suggestion box, or a staff meeting encouraging an open exchange of ideas.
Work Culture
Introduce social and sporting activities among employees.Social activities can help relieve stress and foster a collaborative workplace. Physical activity also strongly promotes mental health so consider introducing activities such as yoga classes, or lunchtime soccer.
Show that you are serious about the mental health of your employees. Allow flexible working practices such as variable start and finish times, working from home, discretionary leave and designing jobs to reduce repetitive work. If employees
Establishing an open culture by sharing business strategies and successes can help employees see their own positive contribution to the business. Employee’s should feel appreciated for their hard work.
It is vital to ensure that business leaders are visible and approachable. This can be achieved through open-door policies, mentorship programs and regular manager-employee catch-ups.Do not underestimate the power of strong communication. Be sure to always stay in the loop of what it going on with your employees.
Counseling and support services can be particularly useful when workers are returning to work after experiencing a mental health condition. Counselling based on cognitive behavioral therapy, for example, could seek to understand the cause of workplace stress and develop ways to avoid or manage it in the future.
Guest speakers can be invited to speak about a range of wellness topics, such as managing your finances, healthy eating and stress management.
As an employer, make sure that you have New Jersey Small Business Insurance in place. In addition to negatively impacting your employees, a toxic company culture could easily lead to employment practices liability (EPL) claims, which would further harm your business.
About Provident Protection Plus
At Provident Protection Plus, we have served the businesses and residents of New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania for more than 65 years. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of Provident Bank, the region’s premier banking institution, and we are prepared to offer you personal, business, employee benefit, and risk management solutions. To learn more about our coverage options, contact our specialists today at (888) 990-0526.