New Jersey Commercial Auto Insurance: Driverless Fleets Imminent 
The push to adopt driverless technology in the commercial sector parallels the demand for driverless cars in the consumer market. Vehicle producers in both sectors strive to remain on the cutting edge of technology by introducing safer transportation solutions that utilize perceptive technology combined with many traditional features such as speed regulation and navigation assistance to create self-piloting car and trucks. The self-driving technology can be particularly useful in the commercial transportation industry, as it could help reduce many liability risks faced by commercial drivers.
Commercial auto and truck producer Daimle AG recently exposed their efforts to introduce fully self-piloting trucks into the commercial market by 2025. In an effort to remain one of the largest commercial vehicle producers Daimle is adapting many of the self-driving components from features already available on the recently debuted Mercedes-Benz S-class luxury sedan. Daimle’s developing technology has already successfully enabled a truck prototype to successfully traverse a stretch of highway without human driver intervention. The current technology allows help trucks “observe” their surroundings with the help of four radar sensors and a stereo camera. The system monitors and utilizes data about current traffic, geographical location and road conditions to aid the vehicle navigation at driving at speeds of up to 55 mph. As a safety feature, the driver can override the pilot system at any time to regain full operational control.
By effectively eliminating the potential for human error, driverless vehicles can dramatically improve both safety and productivity for the commercial auto industry. Driverless vehicle technology can help drastically reduce accident rates, which in turn can help decrease the amount of liability exposures commercial auto services face in regard to property and casualty losses. The technology is also designed to improve efficiency by analyzing road and weather conditions to find the most economic routes. Features will help maximize fuel consumption as well, by maintaining safe and consistent driving speeds, which can ultimately help reduce operation costs for fleet owners and transportation businesses, from trucking to private driver services.
Driverless technology will be an exciting development for the commercial trucking industry, but before you integrate these vehicles into your fleet it will be important to reevaluate your New Jersey commercial auto insurance policy. At Provident Protection Plus Insurance Agency we specialize in providing New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York with the most comprehensive Transportation Industry Insurance solutions available. Our New Jersey commercial auto insurance specialists can help assess the needs of your operation and secure the best coverage to minimize all your commercial auto risk exposures. For more information about our policies, give us a call today at (888) 990-0526.