Preventing Common Construction Mistakes

Preventing Common Construction MistakesCreating a safe environment for contractors isn’t only helpful: it is crucial. The construction field can be dangerous, but many injuries can be avoided with the right safety measures. Properly managing contractor safety is something to be taken seriously in their potentially dangerous profession. Take the precautionary steps needed to keep contractors safe on the job. General liability insurance is a fundamental part of insuring the construction industry, by helping to prevent lawsuits that result from accidents that take place on the job. But before it comes down to defending against claims, construction industry professionals should take these precautionary measures to reduce the risk of accidents.

Pre-qualification Checks

Contractors should undergo a safety analysis to make sure they are fit for the job at hand. This entails a thorough research on their safety statistics. This will check for Experience Modification Rate (EMR), Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), fatality rate, DART and other OSHA recordables. Each of these records are recognized across organizations of all sizes and industries. A pre-qualification check can bypass many future messes.

Task and Risk Assessment

Owners and contractors should clearly understand the scope of work. Implement a method to evaluate the risk of the work to be performed. Placing contractors within a risk category may allow them to have better judgment. If the tasks at hand and the risks attached to them are properly assessed, it can significantly help assist your construction general liability plan. If contractors are aware of the risk levels beforehand and are assigned to jobs that suit their qualifications, they are less likely to file a claim. However, if it does come down to a claim, having these assessments in place might help your case.

Orientation and Training

An adequate safety orientation should always be implemented. Special permits or training for specific kinds of work should be required. There should be specialized training in areas such as confined space entry, electrical work, hot work, energy control, forklifts, and elevated work. There are also specialized safety training programs available, such as HAZWOPER, which is designed for hazard identification.


A periodic assessment during a contract term has been found to be beneficial. This can include daily checklists, safety talks, weekly walkthroughs, and monthly or yearly assessments. A mandatory contract employee safety observation submission can also help. Insist on reporting all non-compliance or unsafe conditions. One may even be able to track these mobile applications. This is a great way to monitor contractor safety during a project.

Job Evaluation

Post-work evaluation procedures are just as important as pre-work procedures. This is the only way that you can truly progress in developing stronger practices. There should be a set of clear and concise post-work evaluative procedures in the contractor guidelines. A specific evaluation platform is needed to determine if the work was done in a correct and safe manner. It is also important to analyze contractor claims, observations, and injury rates. Construction general liability is crucial in this line of work. With so many hazardous opportunities in this field, it’s important to be prepared and to measure the effectiveness of contractor training along with evaluating safe performance.

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